Community Updates

Addressing some recent issues regarding misuse of Asphalt

Recently, through various emails, it has come to my attention that people are using Asphalt to attempt to play highly offensive songs (namely troll songs with the n-word), with the sole intent of offending people.

This is not tolerated in any way, shape or form and we strongly encourage anyone who sees this happening to report the user by DMing Asphalt with a screenshot of the message, along with the user’s ID (or username) and server ID (or name) – and we will look into this as a matter of urgency.

In the case that a report is found to be true, the user will be permanently blocked from using Asphalt globally – and potentially reported to Discord.

In the case that the user is repeatedly spamming the offensive songs, server administrators can either:

  • Use the a!serverblock @user command to stop the user from being able to interact with Asphalt
  • Ban them from your server

– Connor

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