As you may or may not know, we have an appeals page for users who get blocked and think that their block was unjustified. Previously, this page was…ugly to say the least, making users manually input their User ID (links sent by Asphalt would automatically fill this field in), select the block type (and blocked […]
Author: connor
As shown in our most recent incident, located at Asphalt experienced an issue in which disk usage was rapidly becoming full, even after attempting to clear log files. What happened? The visible (the part that actually affects users of Asphalt) began at 03:00 on 06/04/2023 UK Time, when CPU, disk and load all simultaneously […]
As some of you may or may not recall, we removed the bank admin command a little over a year ago in a post written here. In v5.14 we have re-introduced the command, along with a couple of measures to prevent a repeat of what happened before. If the bank admin command is ran with […]
As you may or may not know, we have had a couple of on-going audio issues within Asphalt, the main (and most annoying) one being where Discord would request an Asphalt shard to disconnect and reconnect when it was playing music, which would cause the library to be stuck in a weird sort of “limbo” […]
Eight months ago, we discussed the persistent audio issues within Asphalt that could only be resolved by restarting the bot. Today, we’re pleased to provide you with an update on this ongoing challenge
Since my previous posts last year, there have, unfortunately, been numerous instances of people misusing Asphalt. Between our last post and today, the 2nd of May 2023, there have been 184 more instances. Our previous command flagging system was tedious, in that we were only scanning one command, our most popular command (/play). This system […]
We recently noticed that an audio issue keeps popping its head up and causing issues for multiple servers, in which Asphalt will be stuck in a “Connected” state to your voice channel, and say that it is playing music – when in reality it isn’t even connected to the channel in the first place. We […]
Over the past month or so, we have noticed that quite a few server administrators have been misusing the bankadmin command to give themselves and people in their server ungodly amounts of money. For example: Normally, we would have no issues with this if we didn’t have items that could be purchased on the Asphalt […]
Recently, I ran a poll amongst our Head of Support and Support team to see what they’d prefer to happen to Asphalt Canary, our donator-only instance of Asphalt. The reason for this poll in the first place is that we’ve noticed that pretty much all of our donators are still using the main instance of […]
We’re removing NSFW from Asphalt
Now, this may be disappointing to all 83 people per month using Asphalt for its one NSFW command – but we’ve decided to remove it in our next update, we have disabled it for now on all instances of Asphalt due one main factor, being the discontinuation of the API service we used. The API […]