As you may or may not know, we have had a couple of on-going audio issues within Asphalt, the main (and most annoying) one being where Discord would request an Asphalt shard to disconnect and reconnect when it was playing music, which would cause the library to be stuck in a weird sort of “limbo” state.
Today, the 8th of November 2023, we have deployed our audio rewrite! This means that you should no longer see any issues relating to this (we will, of course, be keeping an eye on this for any issues that pop up in the next month or two.)
This audio rewrite also fixes a couple of long-standing bugs within the Audio system, such as the “now playing message” setting not being properly respected in servers. If you would like to know more about what has changed, you can view our changelog for v5.13 here
9 months of waking up to ticket escalations requesting me to restart Asphalt are now (hopefully) over.
– connor