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We’ve re-worked our Appeals page

As you may or may not know, we have an appeals page for users who get blocked and think that their block was unjustified.

Previously, this page was…ugly to say the least, making users manually input their User ID (links sent by Asphalt would automatically fill this field in), select the block type (and blocked module if the block was from an individual module), enter the reason for the block given by Asphalt and then a short summary on why they think that they should be unblocked.

Our old appeals website

This involved too much work on the user’s end, so we decided to re-do the entire thing, making it smooth and simple for the user. The new appeals page has 3 screens:

  1. Welcome screen as we fetch the blocks for that user
  2. An overview of their active blocks, which do not have an appeal associated with them
  3. A screen which allows them to enter the reason (and only the reason) why they should be unblocked

All of the movement and heavy-lifting is done on our side, with minimal input needed from the user (no need to manually insert information about your block, etc.)

We’ve made a small comparison video to show you the upgraded version, side by side to the old version.

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