Asphalt Updates

We’re removing NSFW from Asphalt

Now, this may be disappointing to all 83 people per month using Asphalt for its one NSFW command – but we’ve decided to remove it in our next update, we have disabled it for now on all instances of Asphalt due one main factor, being the discontinuation of the API service we used.

The API is now down with no plans in sight to bring it back up. If we were to look for another API provider, we would need consider

  • What type of content that API can return
  • Where the API is getting the content from
  • The legality of said content

and quite frankly, for one command, that is a lot of effort and I would much rather outright remove the NSFW command (and category) and redirect the time spent verifying the content from the new service on working on new commands (that will be used more than 83 times a month) and fixing bugs.

If you have any issues with the removal of NSFW commands, or were relying on Asphalt solely for NSFW content, I would suggest that you look for a more NSFW-focused bot.

– connor

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