Asphalt Updates Infrastructure

We’re shutting down Asphalt Canary

Recently, I ran a poll amongst our Head of Support and Support team to see what they’d prefer to happen to Asphalt Canary, our donator-only instance of Asphalt.

The reason for this poll in the first place is that we’ve noticed that pretty much all of our donators are still using the main instance of Canary – and this is causing around £350 a month to run the server, store Asphalt Canary’s log files, database backups etc.

These were the results of the poll (which you probably gathered by the title of this post)

So, with immediate effect, Asphalt Canary will be going offline and its server destroyed. Since we now have an extra £350 a month to play with from these saved costs, we will be doing the following

  • Upgrading all 50 of our audio nodes from 1GB/1 Core to 2GB/2 Core in order to handle more concurrent streams
  • Upgrading a couple of our microservice servers to have better specifications

– connor

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