Asphalt Updates

Our final update on the on-going audio issues

As you may or may not know, we have had a couple of on-going audio issues within Asphalt, the main (and most annoying) one being where Discord would request an Asphalt shard to disconnect and reconnect when it was playing music, which would cause the library to be stuck in a weird sort of “limbo” […]

Asphalt Updates

Another update on the ongoing audio issues

Eight months ago, we discussed the persistent audio issues within Asphalt that could only be resolved by restarting the bot. Today, we’re pleased to provide you with an update on this ongoing challenge

Asphalt Updates

Providing an update on the recent audio issue

We recently noticed that an audio issue keeps popping its head up and causing issues for multiple servers, in which Asphalt will be stuck in a “Connected” state to your voice channel, and say that it is playing music – when in reality it isn’t even connected to the channel in the first place. We […]